Blogs doing it right

Ok, so I am such a bad blogger, that I only got around to updating my expired custom CSS today, so some of you may have noticed GG looked pretty nasty for the last few weeks.  And now that my first solo show is finally pretty my done, I thought I would try to get back to the blog.  However, now it looks like I am moving, and I did my “to do” list on the train to Boston, and by page seven, I started to not be able to read my own handwriting.  Realistically I am not sure I can maintain my GG, right now. I have hit a moment in my personal life and work, where the stakes are the highest they have ever been and every moment matters.  Ground Glass has been the thing that slipped through the cracks… and I have lost track with the blogging world.  However, I got a google alert with my name on it recently from NYMPhoto’s blog.  And I spent some time looking over what they have been up to lately, and I was very impressed.  They are consistently providing good content with interviews and information about events and openings.

So if you are not reading it now, you should take a look.

And I will try to periodically add content here, until I get around to figuring out the next phase of GG.

Also, the Blurb 2009 Photography Book Now winner’s have been announced, take a look at this year’s winners.


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