A Man Only His Dog Can Love

People are always asking why Amy & I started WIPNYC, I will let the eminent (hence why we need new voices in the art world) art critic Brain Sewell explain for me. From an article in yesterday’s Independent entitled “There has never been a great women artist.”

But the art critic Brian Sewell pointed out that, historically, women have done better in the art world than elsewhere. Throughout the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, women artists were praised by male contemporaries. The likes of Artemisia Gentileschi, born in 1593, and her contemporary Fede Galizia were considered great painters of their day.

“The art market is not sexist,” Mr Sewell said. “The likes of Bridget Riley and Louise Bourgeois are of the second and third rank. There has never been a first-rank woman artist.

“Only men are capable of aesthetic greatness. Women make up 50 per cent or more of classes at art school. Yet they fade away in their late 20s or 30s. Maybe it’s something to do with bearing children.”

I feel sorry for Mr. Sewell’s poor pup, if only they knew what kind of master they had…

5 thoughts on “A Man Only His Dog Can Love”

  1. Malcolm Gladwell wrote extensively in his book Blink about gender bias during auditions for musicians in orchestras, for more see here:


    Makes you wonder what Sewell would do with a “blind” reading of a work of art…Perhaps some of those “second-rate” female artists would rise to the top of his “first-rate” list if he couldn’t judge them based on their sex.

  2. In my life I have noticed that the more subjective an endeavor the more crap you have to put up with.

    Or, to put it another way, when your work is evaluated in a subjective manner you need to rely more on self promotion rather than perfecting your product.

    One way to promote yourself is to denigrate the competition with more sublime techniques directed at group membership rather than clear targets, thus deflecting any retaliatory efforts.

    Men are currently in charge and are going to resist any attempts to reduce their influence.

    This is not likely to change in the near future, so learn to adapt.

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